Merry Christmas Oliver

Dear Oliver,

Merry Christmas! Or should I say Feliz Navidad?

I hope you’re having a great day.

Do you celebrate Christmas? Either way I hope you’re in good health and making the most of whatever the season means to you.

I was hoping to send something to you in time for Christmas, but I’ve never had an address to reach you at.

Luckily I think I’ve found the right details now, so a friend-of-a-friend who lives in the area has said they’ll try to deliver it to you some time in the New Year.

Anyway, I’ll let you get back to enjoying what’s left of the day.

I’d love to hear back from you whenever you’re ready to find out more about this side of your life.

Best wishes for the New Year – I hope 2024 brings amazing things your way.

Yours Sincerely,

This letter is part of the ‘Oliver Jack MustoWhat’s the Story’ Series

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