Interesting Times In The UK

Hi Oliver,

I don’t know if you ever see or hear things about events around the world or whether you just focus on life where you are, but it’s been a wild few weeks here in the UK.

I’m extremely thankful right now that you (according to what I’m told) live in a remote part of *****. Far from the madness we’re witnessing.

One thing I wanted to do this week is ask if you want me to stop contacting you.

It’s been a good 9 months now since you turned 18. I know your mother asked me to stop, but she’s irrelevant now you’re a legal adult.

If YOU want me to stop, I will. But I would need to know it actually came from you, not just your mother pretending to be you.

I’m hoping to hear more about my Autism assessment soon and would be very interested to know if you and I are anything alike.

I saw a movie this weekend and, although it never specifically mentioned it, I believe the lead character was Autistic and so much of the film reflected aspects of my own personality.

I’ll tell you what the film is one time if we get to talk directly.

As always, take care and I look forward to hearing from you one day


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