Category: General

I like to write. You’ll realise that if you stick around long enough. The problem is that I don’t have any interest in writing long novels, so I tend to create anything from short stories to articles where I present my own take on conspiracy theories.

Most of the articles here are introspective, philosophical and very opinionated. Wow. There’s 3 big words I never thought I write in one sentence. Look at me go! Others are probably a bit too bizarre or off the wall for most people. Sometimes I like to question the fabric of reality, and do a deep-dive into what’s really making the world turn.

This isn’t your Grandma’s knitting blog.

I called this The Rabbit Hole as it’s a common phrase (commonly believed to come from Alice in Wonderland) used by conspiracy theorist’s when they want to investigate a mystery.

Disclaimer: Anything you read here you do so at your own risk. I accept no responsibility if you find yourself wearing a foil hat and telling people “the government did it”.

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Help me find the time to write more about my life, or other weird and ridiculous articles by giving me money so that I don’t need to go out in the real world. It’s safer for everyone.

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I can’t understand why you would put anyone else through that, but it’s up to you.

I think I may have just come up with the answer that Formula 1 really needs right now. So if anyone reading this happens to have a way to contact those in power, let me know.
In modern times Hollywood movies tell us it's the day of wonderful magical moments where people are kind, everyone is happy and we come together to exchange gifts and make everyone around us happy. They would have you believe that anything is possible. And that even the darkest of souls can achieve a sliver of goodness in this moment.
September 2022 started out as boring as any other month for a couple of days. But suddenly those of here in the UK were met with the news that our country's most famous resident, Queen Elizabeth II, had died. And that's about as big as news gets here in the UK
Young people of the world, hear me now. Whatever your elders tell you about the world - take it with a pinch of salt. Heed their advice, but don't let it be a rule set in stone.
Formula 1 is the top tier of motor racing. The premier league of motorsport engineering and driving excellence. The budgets the teams and manufacturers have to work with are extraordinary, whilst the drivers earn millions to ply their trade at the top level.

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