The Magic of Christmas

Christmas decorations

In modern times Hollywood movies tell us it’s the day of wonderful magical moments where people are kind, everyone is happy and we come together to exchange gifts and make everyone around us happy. They would have you believe that anything is possible. And that even the darkest of souls can achieve a sliver of goodness in this moment.

Queen Elizabeth Dies Age 96

Queen Elizabeth 2 in a horse-drawn carriage

September 2022 started out as boring as any other month for a couple of days. But suddenly those of here in the UK were met with the news that our country’s most famous resident, Queen Elizabeth II, had died. And that’s about as big as news gets here in the UK

Ronaldo said “Drink Water”

A shirt for sale with Cristiano Ronaldo on the front

One of the most famous people on this planet, Cristiano Ronaldo, also known as CR7, told you all to ‘Drink Water’. And that’s a message I can get onboard with.

Open Letter To Mr. Johnny Depp

illustration of a likeness to Johnny Depp

I hope that somehow, by luck or by chance, this message finds its way in front of you and that you find time to read it – as highly unlikely as it might be for that to happen.

Countdown Timer to The Unknown

countdown timer sand hourglass

I have created a countdown timer. But I’m not telling anyone what it relates to. Why? Well, the fact that only I know is part of the fun.

Secrets and Lies. The Joys of Relationships

woman shushing telling secrets and lies

There are many unfathomable secrets in this universe. Some people wonder about what awaits us after this mortal life is over. Others dream of the far reaches of space, or what lies at the bottom of the ocean. Only one thing truly intrigues me. And that is – exactly what the truth is with one of my ex’s, her son and the chances of me being his biological father.

My Name Is So Great They Made A Movie About Me

poster for the Drinkwater movie (2021)

Do any of you have a movie titled in your name? Do you have a terrible song with your name in? Do you have a Premier League Footballer with the same name as you? Most of you can’t answer yes to all 3 of those. So drink it up people. Drinkwater is the name to have in 2022.

Thanks for the mention, Florence.

Florence Italy in the evening with lights

There’s something weird in the air right now. Ever since I rebuilt my ‘official website’ and started to push the Drinkwater brand, I’ve been noticing a LOT of coincidental moments. Almost like the universe is trying to tell me something. And I like it when the universe does that. We haven’t always gotten along very […]

Sometimes Love Songs Send The Wrong Messages

couple in love on rooftop at night

Love songs. They’re amazing aren’t they? They encapsulate all the feelings and emotions that we go through when we’re in (and out of) love with people. And then they set them to music, so we can experience those emotions in new and different ways. There are the upbeat songs that remind us how it feels […]

Forgiving People Can Release You

clouds recovery healing and forgiving

I’d never previously believed that the act of forgiving someone for things they’ve done to you could actually make you feel better. That was, until I actually did it myself.

Formula 1 Has Become A Hollywood Movie

Formula 1 Car Red Bull 2021

Formula 1 is the top tier of motor racing. The premier league of motorsport engineering and driving excellence. The budgets the teams and manufacturers have to work with are extraordinary, whilst the drivers earn millions to ply their trade at the top level.

My Manifest – Visualise The Goal, Score The Goal.

Stuart Drinkwater Official Logo

Have you ever had any experience of life coaching? Well, you’re about to. Come with me on a journey of manifestation, self exploration and enlightenment. Bring lube. Before we get started here’s my disclaimer: I’m not a qualified life coach. I have no plans to be (on a professional level) and given the fact that […]

Do What You Like Doing

Like Driving in the Countryside

Once upon a time, way back when I was in school, someone once told me that “You can learn to like what you’re good at, but it’s more rewarding to get good at what you like doing”. And that was pretty much the only thing that I ever took from school. I absolutely hated the […]

Fresh starts, new beginnings

Salford Quays Media City New Day

I’ve decided it’s time to start over new, begin afresh. Clean slate and all that jazz. I’ve created my own personal-brand website before, but had shut it down a couple of years ago after I got bored. That happens a lot. And remaking things when I decide to try again – that happens a lot […]

BBC Licence Fee – Invoicing Everyone for Nothing

BBC Licence fee television set

It probably hasn’t escaped many people’s notice that there is a conversation going on in the UK right now about the BBC / TV licence fee. And I decided that as I have 5 minutes to spare, I’m going to stick my opinion in, even though nobody asked for it. Many, many years ago when […]

The Tale of the Man Who Never Knew the Truth

Man searching for truth by the lake

Do you have any part of your life that has left you with a search for the truth for many years? Well this is a story about a situation that has been lurking in the background of my life for a long time now.

Predictions for the New Decade – Part 1: The Rise of Nudity

Naked woman being a nudist

Nudity. Once frowned upon, now the basis for TV shows. I predict that the next 10 years are going to see a big change in society. I’m writing this article at the end of 2019. The last week, of the 2nd decade, of the 21st Century. The good old days when people wore clothes Looking […]

Everybody Lies. Trust Nobody and Nothing But Yourself and Your Gut

Man Pointing finger at judging your lies

It’s December 11th 2019. Here in the UK we’re on the eve of a General Election. That, for those who do not know, is where the population of the UK get’s to vote on who they want to run their government. That’s Democracy… Apparently. But there’s a disease within this country right now, and almost […]

Here’s why World Peace will never happen

earth from space station by NASA reading the stupefied blog world peace

It might be a myth, but some years ago there used to be a bit of a joke that beauty pageant contestants would answer ‘World Peace’ when asked what things they would wish for the world if they could.

A Christmas Ghost Story

Reading a ghost story open book with Christmas fairy lights

(A loosely-based adaptation of Charles Dickens ‘A Christmas Carol’). T’was Christmas eve and as the clock struck midnight a ghost entered my bedroom and spoke to me. “Before this night is over, you shall be visited by 3 more ghosts. They are the ghosts of your own past, present and future. They are going to […]

Ghosts Aren’t Real

Ghosts or actually people in sheets

I’ve never believed in Ghosts. Even as a kid something about the whole idea just didn’t convince me. But the older I get the more sure I am, and there’s one very obvious reason. A Thousand Ghost Stories Later From the books I read as a child, and the tales I heard when visiting stately […]

Why we should all say ‘Thank you, next’ more often

child using radio listening to Ariana Grande thank u next

If your relationship comes to an end, there are a few different ways you can act. But the sensible thing to do is just say ‘Thank u, next’, just like Ariana suggests.

Don’t be one of them douchenozzles that gets all weird and does stupid stuff to try and make yourself feel better.

I Love My Vehicles Like I Love My Women

a woman or women leaning against a van

This is the first half-decent blog post I have ever written. Although that’s only my opinion. We all have to start somewhere.

It’s about the fact that I’m at a time in my life where I just can’t be bothered any more with relationships. Unless it’s with a van.